I kinda feel like I don't post enough, like I wait too long in between posts, but when I post I want it to be something good...and with any luck some good pictures too. But there's no harm in updating I guess ;)
I was going to make my next post about my work trip to Laguna Beach, but I guess I'm not getting those pictures for a while, so I'll just wait. Since everyone is posting about their 4th of July day I guess I'll join in.
For the 4th Ben and I left in the morning for our ward's...correction: old ward's (sigh of sadness, we're going to miss them), Patriotic 4th of July pancake breakfast. I have to tell you it was awesome! Between Sis. Moritz's 4th of July/constitutional trivia, the musical numbers, and the BEST pancakes I've ever eaten, it may have been one of my best 4th's ever! I really appreciate the time the ward took into putting together the program and event, it was awesome! We sure are going to miss you all!!! But we'll keep in touch :)
Then Ben and I went to Home Depot to look at some ceiling fans, and paint colors (some decorating may be going on soon in our new apt). After that we came home and started to unpack some boxes. Did I mention we just moved? Maybe I didn't. We just moved. haha. Last week, right after I got back from Laguna we started packing and on Monday and Tuesday we moved everything out. Thank you John for letting us borrow your truck! We really like our new place, but I'll come back to that in a min. Anyway, after unpacking for a while we were getting hungry, and after moving it seemed that we had eaten through a lot of groceries before leaving, so we decided to go out that night. One of my favorite things is breakfast food, even for dinner. So, we went to IHOP! Yummmy! Afterwards we were going to go to MCC for fireworks, but we overheard at IHOP that they were canceled and the only one close by was at Tempe Town Lake. I've heard they're awesome there, 'cause they play patriotic music and you can see the fireworks reflection in the water, but there's really only one way in and out of there, and it gets super crowded. Well, Ben and I decided that we would rather go see Transformers 2, so we did! It wasn't crowded at all, and we enjoyed ourselves. I liked the movie a lot, but it was way more crass and crude than the last one. Plus, lots more swearing.
Anyway, right as we came out from the movie we noticed some people in the parking lot staring off into the distance. They were watching the fireworks from Tempe Town Lake right from the parking lot, and we could see them really well! Plus, the best part was that there was a flagpole nearby that had our beautiful American flag waving just to the left of the fireworks...it was amazing! So, that was our 4th, it was a lot of fun!
Back to our new apartment. Well, one great thing is that we live right across the way from some of our friends, so we already know people, yeah! The apartment is much roomier (2 bed, 2 bath) and we even have a little laundry room, woohoo! Like I was saying about the paint, they told us that we could paint as long as we paint it back before we move, but it's going to be so cute, they won't want us to change it back ;)
We're not going to paint everything, probably just a couple of accent walls in the living room and bedroom. Maybe we'll do the kitchen, not so sure. We'd love to do the bathroom a nice mint color, and check out the idea I'm stealing from Thrifty Decor Chick's nursery. For baby's room a nice chair railing molding (her explanation makes it so simple!).

Then the stripes, but we're going to use a light purple and cream instead of greens and cream. Cute huh?!

Well, those are the plans for now. I luckily have the week off (the whole office does) so it gives me time to unpack, unpack, unpack...not to mention DECLUTTER! I can't believe we have soooo much STUFF! Yuck. I wish I could have a yard sale 'cause I definitely have plenty to get rid of. Anybody want some stuff?? Maybe I'll post some things (good stuff) on here in case someone does want it. :)
Have a great week, and keep blogging (to those of you that do), 'cause I love reading them!
P.S. - Did I mention we live right behind a Sonic! Happy Hour from 2-4, drinks and slushes 1/2 off, I love it!!!