Monday, July 13, 2009

To Doula, or not to Doula?

Wow, this picture makes me feel so much better about myself :D


Since the time of "baby delivery" is drawing near, and I want to be all prepared, and I would like to get some input from you. I guess in my mind I thought that my midwife would be there from when I started labor 'till the end, but in reality she only gets there when I get to the hospital. Which is still a long time, since they are there for all the more intense labor and of course the delivery, but I've been thinking about possibly getting a Doula. A Doula is like a labor coach, someone who knows all about pregnancy and delivery, the good signs and the bad signs, etc. They know the positions and things to do to make you more comfortable during the first round of labor pains into the rest of labor. They help the Dad know what kind of massages and things he can do to help. I guess you meet with them 2 or 3 times before you go into labor and then they are there for the ENTIRE labor from when you first start feeling it at home. I'm probably not making sense. Okay, for a better definition click here.

One of the main reasons that I want a Doula is that I would like to be in the hospital for as little time as possible. I'm not a big fan of hospitals and especially the way women in labor tend to be rushed through the process when they're there. Well, they can't exactly rush me when I'm not going to accept any drugs so, I guess that's moot, but still I don't like being there all the same. So, I would like to labor at home as much as possible, and then get there and just be ready to deliver! If that's possible...I did see it on one episode of "Deliver Me" that was on youtube. I've watched a lot of natural births on youtube now, and a lot of them tend to have Doula's, unless they're birthing at home, then they just used a midwife.

What I'd really love is to give birth in a birthing center (much more comfortable, and you don't have to clean it later ;), but sadly the closest one is in Tucson. Ohhhhh... :(

I've only known one other person that has used a Doula, so I just don't know if I really need one since Mom and Michelle will be there too, but at the same time...gah, I don't know. So, what do you know of Doula's and what's your opinion on them? If you had one, did you find it helpful? The statistics are pretty awesome, see them here. I'm all for shorter labor!!!

Anyway, let me know you're opinion, or what you've heard. I'm just trying to get as much info as I can, while I can ;)



Molly said...

I thought about having a doula and ended up not having one...for me, it wouldnt have mattered because I had my hubby and mom and mom in law there and the labour/delivery nurse was AWESOME.
Now that I have the kiddo Im glad I didnt cause while I was in labour, all I wanted was my husband anyway. But, you are right, they have some pretty good stats. I guess it all coems down to get one if you think it will help and then revise for round 2 if you think she did/didn't. Good Luck!!

Emily said...

I think that picture was funny! AND I think that you are a adorable pregnant woman!! I don't have an opinion on the Doula, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

I did take most of those pictures on my blog. (thx for liking them! :)

Brittany said...

So you have decided for sure no epidural or drugs?! BRAVE woman. For me, I would not have wanted a doula. We took a childbirth class which I feel prepped Brandon and I well...and I think I would have been annoyed to have someone else there with me the whole time I was in labor. Everyone is different, but for me I just wanted the experience to be me and my husband. Plus, the nurses are so great that they can give you any help that you need. But, I will be interested to hear what you decide and how it goes.

Leigh said...

I am with Brittany. I did not have a Doula nor did I want one. I had imagined giving birth with no drugs or assistance (foreceps, vacuum) of any kind. I was dead set against an epidurl. It wasn't that I didn't want to be in the hospital long, I just wanted to feel in-control of the birthing event. The one thing you MUST have when it comes time for the birth is FLEXIBILITY. You may be dead against drugs and such now, but know that some situations may warrant them. I was in labor for over 24 hours. After 11 hours of hard labor, I got an epidural and do not regret it. While they may be helpful in many situations, there are some situations that you cannot forsee in which having a Doula may be pointless. But my opinion: try having one! Try going without drugs, too. Just know your pain limit. Good luck. No matter how it happens, the baby will come out one way or another!

Arizona Girl said...

Our midwife who actually ended up delivering our baby boy, was going to be a doula for us. (Actually a montrice, its a little more than a doula.) I liked the idea of having someone who was the same to be there with me the whole time. I figured I wouldn't be able to do it without a good coach. In the end the midwife actually delivered our baby because he was coming so quickly. I'm all for doulas and midwives. Also check with your insurance. Some insurances actually cover the costs of doulas and midwives.

Jessica May said...

Crystal, You sooo need to call me about this... I'd love to tell you about my birth experience, just not all over the internet. If you decide not to have a doula, it's definately helpful to have someone support you who HAS actually experienced natural childbirth themselves. That helped me a ton. Seriously, would you call me?

~ NappyMama ~ said...

Hi there. I just stumbled (somehow) upon your post and wanted to leave my opinion.

I actually AM a Doula AND an apprentice midwife. I have 5 children of my own and I will say, if you're having a hospital birth with a physician and nurses, you NEED a doula. The nurses always have more patients than just you and can't devote any real time to any one person. A doula is trained in different positioning, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques as well as how to hold your attention and GET your attention in order to stay focused. A GOOD doula will educate you or help you to educate yourself in natural childbirth so you know what to expect from your body when it all starts to happen.

That being said: If you're having a home birth with midwives you have no need for a doula. You can't be a home birth midwife without knowing how to be a good doula.

Even doulas need a doula. At the birth of my 5th baby, I got into "the zone" and forgot everything I knew. Yes, it does happen. Almost every time. A doula will remind you of what you learned and that what you're feeling is normal and to roll with it instead of fighting against it.

Probably the biggest job of a doula is being your advocate. You have a birth plan but it means diddly to the nurses and doctors. Trust me-they don't care, especially if what you want doesn't fit into the "norm" they are used to. When they attempt some intervention or something that goes against your wishes in your birth plan, your doula will remind you (IN their presence) that you didn't want wanted...and so on and so on. A doula will teach you to ASK why the intervention is necessary... what will happen to me and my baby, and so on.

I highly recommend you finding a doula.